St Martins CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) Club is an opportunity for everyone to meet up every other month in friendship for a variety of events and activities, catering for all ages.
Feel free to come along to any or all our events. Church members, friends and all members of the local community are welcome. There is a minimal charge of £2.00 per person to cover costs.
Whats coming to CAMEO Club
Saturday 29th February: Quiz Night
Please make a note in your diary and start getting your team together….
If you have any unwanted Christmas gifts, or unopened sweets and chocolates we are looking for donations for raffle prizes.
If you are able to volunteer on the night, however small, please txt 07867 686547. We would be very grateful if you could:
Make a cake/cupcakes or biscuits.
Help with teas and coffees.
Sell raffle tickets on the night.
Man the door.