Christmas 2020
Christmas and Sunday Services, starting at 10:15am
(Subject to change)
Sunday 6th Morning Worship led by Andy. Duty Elder: Ray Tiney.
For those who would prefer to stay at home there will be a ZOOM service starting at 11am which Graeme will conduct from Lewes Rd. LINK:
Sunday 13th Morning Worship including Holy Communion led by Rvd. Graeme Allan. Duty Elders: Rob Upward, Ray Tiney
Sunday 20th Joint Zoom Service led by URC Churches.
Friday 25th Christmas Day Family Service
Sunday 27th Morning Worship led by Rvd. Graeme Allan. Duty Elder: Raie Smith
Christmas Charities Appeal
This year we are supporting the local charity Sussex Search and Rescue. SusSAR is the primary search resource for Sussex Police. A dedicated team of professionally trained and equipped local volunteers who can employ specialist skills in the search for vulnerable missing persons.SusSAR has members with advanced first aid capabilities to the level of Lowland Rescue First Responder and a Water Team trained in swift water rescue and flood first response skills.
If you would like to donate via bank transfer the details are: Santander 09-01-54, 64513286. Ref: SUSSAR
City Mission Food Bank - helping people in crisis.
Please remember those families on low-income and who struggle to cope at Christmas time. The collection box is in the church foyer for you to donate your items (toiletries and packaged/tinned food– please check the use-by date) throughout the year and especially at wintertime.