Coronavirus update - Precautions recommended by the U.R.C Synod and the Government
​25th April at 10.15am sees our church reopening, please take note of the covid guidance below, alternatively you can join us via zoom, ID 937 193 0422 Password 710501
This and future services will take full note of any required precautions recommended by the government.
Staying Covid-19 safe - church preparations:
Completion of covid-19 risk assessment.
Full deep clean of the building.
Cleaning and hygiene products and procedures in place.
Steps to ensure 2m distancing.
Collecting test and trace data*.
Coming to Church - guidance for attendees
Please queue and enter/leave the church observing 2m distancing to avoid congestion at the door.
On entering and leaving the church building everyone should wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or to use the hand sanitiser provided.
On arrival please enter your name and contact details in the register book, this is to collect test & trace data*. NHS app QR code posters are now displayed in the foyer.
When using the toilet please clean the touched surfaces before and after use. Cleaning products, waste facilities and hand sanitisers will be available.
The two-metre ‘rule’ applies for public worship except in situations where closer contact cannot be avoided.
People from the same household or “bubble” can sit together. Everyone else will need to observe appropriate social distancing at all times. Please seat a minimum of 2 chairs and 2 rows away from your neighbour.
Wearing of face-coverings is mandatory as of 8th August. Masks and gloves will be available on arrival; however you may prefer to bring your own. All PPE must be disposed of in the pedal bin in the foyer.
Holy Communion services are now taking place every 2nd Sunday. Bread is prepared hygienically and served using tongs. Wine cups can be collected in the foyer as you enter.
Singing, chanting and playing of brass or woodwind instruments are not currently recommended.
Bibles and hymn books will not be used, you may wish to bring your own bible. If you have a mobile device the free NIV Bible app is easy to download and use.
After-service refreshments will not take place or the forseeable future.
The prayer corner (now the isolation room) and adjacent toilet will be out of general use.
Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) should not attend the place of worship due to the risk that they pose to others; they should self-isolate at home immediately with other members of their household.
*In order to support the NHS Test and Trace programme, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) for all visitors, as well as recording times entering and leaving the building.
In line with guidance issued by the Department for Health and Social Care, we will keep your details safely and in compliance with GDPR legislation for 21 days before securely disposing of or deleting them. We will only share your details with NHS Test and Trace, if asked, in the event that it is needed to help stop the spread of coronavirus. We will not use your details for any other purposes or pass them on to anyone else.